Staying Current in the Evolving Web Space

If we used a time machine to step back a mere decade and a half, the internet would be a wildly different place. Social media was rudimentary and limited, websites were king, and engaging with customers and site visitors was a straightforward process. Nowadays, social media has proliferated across a dozen platforms. Content that would have previously sat on a site now has to be served up in Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, or any other of the social media apps that rise and fall with the tides of the algorithms. 

So, with all this in mind, how can we stay up to date with the evolving internet world. Frankly, for the customer, the answer is you don’t. You rely on professionals (shameless plug for ourselves here) to keep you informed. But, if you are a skeptical person, you might be asking yourself how we, the professionals, stay informed. The answer is actually, refreshingly, very simple. In this time of AI, mathematically perfected search results, and excessively tailored web experiences, the best way to stay up to date with the latest developments is to talk with your fellow professionals. 

I have found no website, forum, subreddit, or the like that as quickly or as accurately helps me determine the contemporary internet trends than chatting over a real or virtual coffee with friends in the industry. Just as ancient masons might learn new techniques while on a break from constructing the colosseum, so do we share and grow our own trade. Take that AI! I’ll chalk this up as win for the humans.


Google Play Store will now feature special tags indicating verified government applications